Monday, September 8, 2008

New Addition

It has been forever since I have updated our blog and wanted to post new family pics that included our new baby girl, Mia Ariana.  Mia was born on 8/20/08 at 4:15 a.m. weighing in at 7 lbs. and measuring 19.5 inches.  She is such a sweet and calm baby- we couldn't be happier.  Mia's big sister has been nicer to her than we expected- always wanting to kiss and hug her sister.  We have to watch Ava pretty closely though, as sometimes the kisses and hugs can be a little too tough for a newborn.  Ava also had a birthday in August (the 26th) and we celebrated with a day of swimming and grilling.  
Our house is pretty much a sea of diapers, blankets, books and crayons strewn randomly throughout.  It stays clean for no longer than 5 minutes, so I've been trying to organize all of our stuff so that it is easier to keep clean.  Arash and I have gone out a few times since Mia has arrived and have checked out some restaurants we've been wanting to see for the past 9 months or so.
This past weekend was pretty busy for me, with two baby showers.  Our neighbor across the street is having a baby girl and one of my oldest friends is having a baby boy.  Both were fun, and it is always great to hang out with old friends.
I'll keep this blog updated with new photos more often :)

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